We have been working with Stirling Council to install visitor counters in the park.
Having an understanding of how many visitors are using the park will provide valuable information in a number of situations including grant funding applications and future projects. People counters in outdoor spaces, gather detailed data on pedestrian traffic patterns, peak visitation times – when the most people are present in these spaces. It also includes identifying popular routes that people tend to follow. This valuable information can then be utilised for a variety of purposes, such as improving access and safety measures, enhancing visitor experiences.
A vehicle counter will monitor the main gates and as we currently have only 2 pedestrian counters, they will most likely be fitted at the entrance to both the North and South Drives. As you will see however from the map included in our survey there are at least 6 points of entry so we would really appreciate if you could use the link to access our survey to help us gather this vital information..