Time to blow away the cobwebs, and this event is an ideal opportunity to do so. Enjoy the fresh air, in good company and help to save some fruit trees, giving something back to the park.
The Friends of Plean Country Park are looking for help to maintain the fruit trees in the park which is an important task due to the decline of small orchards and an important habitat for pollinators.
We were fortunate to receive a grant from Volunteering Matters Action Earth which is funded by Nature Scot, to support this work . This has allowed us to purchase some new tools and provide supplies for our volunteers.
We planned two workdays under this project and the first one we held in November with the second being held on Saturday 18th January..
Pruning experience is not essential as there will be a variety of tasks with a job to suit everyone.
If you are able to help out on the day please email pleanfriends@gmail.com
Any time you can give to the park, whether it is an hour or two or all day, is really appreciated as we are a small group.